COVID-19 NOTICE: If you are sick, feel sick, or are experiencing
any symptoms of COVID-19 or the flu, please do not attend the show.
Please practice social distancing while at the show. Note that Heritage
Arms LLC is not responsible or liable if you contract any illness by
attending the gun show. Attend at your own risk.
First and foremost, we want you to join us in our commitment to safety. The unintentional (NEGLIGENT) discharge of a firearm can have severe consequences. No one thinks this is going to happen to them, or they may think that they are too smart for it to happen to them. The next time you talk to someone who had a negligent discharge, or was in a car crash, or even tripped and fell, ask them "Did you think that was going to happen to you?" You can guess the answer.
It's easy to make sure it doesn't happen to you.Keep your finger OFF the trigger! Generally, there is no reason to have your finger on the trigger of a firearm at a gun show. Every time you handle a firearm, you should open the action to ensure it is unloaded. Again, keep your finger OFF of the trigger, and keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Look in the chamber to be sure there is not a cartridge there.
We support Ohio Hunter Education for young and old alike. Whether you hunt or not, attending a hunter education course is a great way to learn safe gun handling, and courses are normally free.
Hours: Our show hours (all locations) are 9-4 on Saturday, 9-3 on Sunday.
Admission: Heritage Gun Shows is committed to giving you the most
for your gun show admission. We make every effort to keep our admission
price reasonable. We believe the shooting sports should be accessible to
all, and especially want to encourage families to enjoy our shows and
the shooting sports as a family. Admission is $6. Folks who are 12 years old and younger always get in free. If you join the NRA or renew a membership at the show, you'll get in free.
Giveaway: With each paid
admission (including the purchase of NRA memberships or renewals at the show), you
receive one entry for our Giveaway. On the drawing entry
you'll see a question asking how you heard about the show. We ask because we
want to know where our advertising is working, so you can find out about the
next show. The winning ticket will be drawn at 2:45 pm on Sunday, and you need
not be present to win (so long as we can read your phone number). The winner
will receive $100 which can be spent with exhibitors at a future Heritage Gun Show
(any location: Cambridge or Mansfield). Terms and
conditions for the drawing are posted next to the orange bucket where your entry goes.
For our current schedule, click here. If you want direct and timely notification of our next show, become a fan on Facebook. We're on Facebook as Heritage Gun Shows LLC. Simply click on the like button and the next time we have a show coming up, you'll be notified through Facebook. Of course, we still want you to keep visiting our web site; Facebook is just one more way of finding out about our shows.
Additionally, you may want to provide your e-mail on your entry to the gun drawing. We will not sell or share your e-mail address, nor will we send you stupid jokes. Your e-mail will only be used to notify you of upcoming shows. Please note that you shouldn't depend solely on e-mails to find out about the next show. This web site is the most reliable method of learning our schedule.
Buying or selling firearms outside of the building (e.g. in the parking lot, near the building entrance, etc.) is not permitted. Additionally, buying or selling firearms in the area just beyond the admission table is not permitted. Yes, you can buy, sell or trade inside the show, but you cannot stand just inside the entrance and grab up every good deal that’s headed into the show.Also, no recording of any kind is permitted in the show: no photographs, no video, no audio. No recording, period. Violators may be prosecuted under Ohio law.
By entering our show, you agree to adhere to all federal, state and local laws, as well as show regulations. Please review the Regulations page of this site. Included there are some of the applicable laws.
Further, by entering the show you agree to hold harmless Heritage Gun Shows from any and all liability for any theft, damages, losses, or injuries incurred while at the show. Heritage Gun Shows accepts no responsibility or liability for any damages or injuries resulting from an exhibitor’s or patron’s display or actions.
We believe in fair dealing. Merchandise or services should never be misrepresented. Also, we encourage patrons to report inappropriate, improper or suspicious behavior. We can’t do anything about it if we don’t know.
We hope your experience at our shows is enjoyable. Please feel free to send your comments to us at